Yogi Philosophy (theosophy)

  • Autor: Ramacharaka (Reintroduced and notes by A.K.)
  • Narrador: Anne Kelly
  • Editora: Author's Republic
  • Duração: 8:34:02


These “Fourteen Lessons” are an introduction to some of the most important recorded wisdoms of our time. Embers of this sacred knowledge can faintly be seen through the veils of almost every religion, including the new age movement. Each doctrine seems to have a piece of this grail, but none contain it in its entirety. This book contains the original correspondence course, mailed out monthly over a century ago, to the homes of eager students of esoteric philosophy, (the course’s mantrams, meditations and class notes have been included as well).
Humanity’s eternal quest for the meaning of life so often leads to the ageless axiom: “Man, know thyself.” Within this book are elementary teachings on the Law of Karma (spiritual cause and effect,) the material/physical body, the instinctive mind, spiritual consciousness, global unity, Oneness, Compassion and Love.
We humans are extraordinary biological/spiritual machines with vast and untapped abilities, this book offers insights on: the pineal gland, Prana and Pranic healing, the meaning of auras and their colours, the true power of thought and emotion, the astral world, what happens after the change called “death” and so much more. For me, the discovery of this course opened the door to the invaluable ancient esoteric wisdoms and scientific/spiritual teachings of Theosophy.
The purpose of republishing these lessons with a modern introduction is to place them out in front once again. I wish to make them visible on bookshelves and online, so that any and all may be able to study, learn and grow from them as I have been able to do.
