In this lyrical and deeply moving memoir, one of America’s most revered actresses weaves stories of her adventures and travels with her mother, while reflecting on the...
The saga of the greatest tornado chaser who ever lived: a tale of obsession and daring and an extraordinary account of humanity’s high-stakes race to understand...
Hermit’s Peak is a seminal novel in the crime fiction series that places New Mexico lawman Kevin Kerney in the pantheon with Tony Hillerman’s heroes—while...
In the sequel to the Nebula finalist The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, Mary Jekyll and the rest of the daughters of mad scientists from literature embark on a...
Follow along as Nate Foster’s big Broadway dreams come true in this winning middle grade series that Lin-Manuel Miranda calls a “wonderful evocation of what it’s...
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Million Little Pieces and Bright Shiny Morning comes Katerina, James Frey’s highly anticipated new novel set in 1992 Paris...
“This crisply told story of the race to build the fastest ship in the world reads like a thriller, reminiscent of the best of Nathanial Philbrick’s sea...
A tender, joyous debut novel about a cub reporter and her eighty-six-year-old subject—and the unlikely and life-changing friendship that develops between them.Kate is a...
The electrifying conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Children of Eden series that follows Rowan as she leaves behind the paradise she’s always dreamed of to save...
Intimate and illuminating, this is the story of American icon Ernest Hemingway's life, compiled by the steward of the Hemingway estate and featuring contributions by his son and...