Australian actress and author Vanessa de Largie is a survivor of domestic violence. Don't Hit Me! is the true diarised account of her time living with an abusive man. The story is...
Money Ninja: The Ultimate Guide on Tactical Money, The Ultimate Guide on Different Ways to Make and Save Money to Grow Your WealthAre you having a hard time making ends meet? Do...
Money Affirmation: The Essential Guide to Proven Money-Making Strategies, Discover the Effective Methods That Could Help You Earn Legitimate Money Online There are many ways to...
Power Your Profits: The Ultimate Guide on How to Grow Your Business Exponentially and Take it to the Next Level, Discover Different Strategies That Can Easily Double Your Profits...
One Hundred Years of Exile: In Search of My Father’s Russia is the story of one woman’s journey through 100 years of history to find peace with her father.Tania Romanov...
Unlock the Secrets of Manipulation and Become a Master of Body Language, Mind Control, and NLP!Do you want to gain an advantage in your communications with others?Wherever we...
A physician shares the darkest depths of his depression, suicidal ideation, addiction, and the important lessons he learned through years of personal recovery.Pediatric oncologist...
Tiyo Attallah Salah-El died in 2018 on “Slow Death Row” while serving a life sentence in a Pennsylvania prison. He was a man with a dizzying array of talents and vocations:...
The Inconvenient Indian is at once a “history” and the complete subversion of a history—in short, a critical and personal meditation that the remarkable Thomas King has...
THE ONLY OFFICIAL RONDA ROUSEY BOOK “The fight is yours to win.” Her story, her voice. In this inspiring and moving book, Ronda Rousey, the Olympic medalist in judo, reigning...