Julius Caesar

A tragedy by William Shakespeare, one of several plays written by Shakespeare based on true events from Roman history. The play opens with the commoners of Rome celebrating...

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Caesar (ungekürzt)

Der erhabene Cäsar hat ein paar sehr skurrile Eigenheiten: zum Beispiel seine Liebe zu einem fürchterlich stinkenden Riesenhund und einem goldenen Klappstuhl, den ihm der kleine...

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Unto Cæsar

HE LOVED HER AND HE LOVED ROME!Taurus Antinor loved her, that she knew. The last four days had made a woman of her: she had tasted of and witnessed every passion that rends a...

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Julius Caesar

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war... - AntonyFeatures a unique cover illustration by Maurice Sendak (Wherethe Wild Things Are), specially commissioned for the...

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Caesar And Cleopatra

Cleopatra sleeping between the paws of a Sphinx. Caesar, wandering lonely in the desert night, comes upon the sphinx and speaks to it profoundly. Cleopatra wakes and, still...

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Caesar?s Column

"Caesar's Column" is a novel by Ignatius Donnelly, a writer famous for having written and published the work entitled "Atlantis: the antediluvian...

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Os Guardiões De J-rod

Alemanha, Prisão de Landsberg, 1924.Redigiu-se a última página do primeiro manuscrito de uma futura obra condenada. O autor transbordava de vaidade numa cela organizada e limpa...

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History Of Julius Caesar

The book chronicles the extraordinary life and leadership of Rome's Emperor Julius Caesar, from his early years to his assassination. History of Julius Caesar is one of many...

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Caesar Und Pompeius (ungekürzt)

Caesar und Pompeius - die beiden vielleicht bedeutendsten Politiker der späten römischen Republik: Ihr politisches Vorgehen und ihr desaströser Bürgerkrieg ließen der...

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Caesar Im Senat Niedergestochen! (ungekürzt)

Immer wieder markieren Attentate und politische Morde Wendepunkte in der Geschichte. Doch kaum eines dieser Verbrechen ist so berühmt geworden wie die Tötung Julius Caesars in...

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