Graham: O Continente Lemúria

Peter Graham é um caçador de vampiros, mas não foi sempre assim. Antes era um rapaz homossexual que enfrentava as dificuldades de uma sociedade dividida entre a aceitação, o...

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Billy The Kid

"O encontro estava marcado para a hora do nascer da lua.O homem tinha espáduas largas e vestia-se de negro. Era alto, quase 1,95m. Dois revólveres Colt 44 pendiam-lhe da...

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Billy Wilder: Um Repórter Em Tempos Loucos

Como se tornar um bom dançarino profissional e ganhar gorjetas no hotel? O que faz uma "bruxa moderna" da cidade grande? Quais são os pontos de encontro mais disputados de...

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A Prophet With Honor: The Billy Graham Story (updated Edition)

A Prophet with Honor is the biography Billy Graham himself invited and appreciated for its sympathetic but frank approach. Carefully documented, eminently fair, and gracefully...

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Blockade Billy

From New York Times bestselling author Stephen King comes the haunting story of Blockade Billy, the greatest Major League baseball player to be erased from the game.Even the most...

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Billy Budd,sailor

Billy Budd, Sailor is a novel by American writer Herman Melville, first published posthumously in London in 1924. Melville began writing the work in November 1888, but left it...

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Billy Budd, Marinaio

Scritto probabilmente nel 1891, anno di morte dell'autore, ma pubblicato solo nel 1924, è l'affascinante storia di un marinaio e della nave su cui aveva navigato,...

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Jack and Billy

A boy's caring attention helps heal a horse's foot.

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Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

A re-release of this award-winning, critically acclaimed novel just in time for its major motion picture release, directed by Two-time Academy Award® winner Ang Lee,...

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The Year of Billy Miller

Things to know about Billy Miller: He's worried about 2nd grade He thinks bats are cool His little sister is annoying He had a spectacular accident this summer He...

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