
This is Thackeray’s first full-length novel, which appeared in serialised instalments in Fraser’s Magazine between May 1839 and February 1840. The story of Catherine...

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Catherine Blum

Nous sommes en mai 1829, dans la forêt de Villers-Cotterêts, sur les lieux de l’enfance de l’auteur. Guillaume Watrin, chef des gardes-chasse du duc...

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Catherine Morland

Écrit en 1803, Catherine Morland est le premier roman de Jane Austen, même s’il n’a été publié qu’en 1818, un an après...

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The Free Fishers

A conspiracy to betray England's defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Anthony Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave...

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St. Catherine Of Siena

Catherine of Siena (25 March 1347 – 29 April 1380), a laywoman associated with the Dominican Order, was a mystic, activist, and author who had a great influence on Italian...

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O Escaravelho

A loucura impera em Duas Terras. O general Argelin se autoproclama rei, e, em seu reinado de terror, passa a destruir sistematicamente todos os seus inimigos: humanos... e deuses....

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Great Catherine: Whom Glory Still Adores

Captain Charles Edstaston is assigned to the Imperial Russian court in Saint Petersburg, during the 34-year rule of Empress Catherine the Great, and brings his fiancee, Claire,...

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The Tale Of Mr. Jeremy Fisher

Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. The water was all slippy-sloppy in the...

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Colin Fischer

COLIN FISCHER não suporta ser tocado. Não gosta de azul. Precisa de cartões de memorização para reconhecer as expressões faciais das pessoas.O ano letivo de COLIN FISCHER...

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A Morte Do Adivinho

O Clube do Crime chegou! Damos as boas-vindas à nova coleção de suspenses clássicos em edições de luxo com A morte do adivinho, a primeira história de mistério ambientada...

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