Kira And A Dog Named Money

Kira, who is twelve years old, is intent on wasting her limited pocket money on dolls and other childish things. She lives in poor circumstances, her parents constantly arguing...

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Motivação Interna

Você é alguém que não tem exuberância? Alguém que acredita para sempre “Eu farei isso no futuro” e acabará nunca executando o que você se propôs a fazer? Quer...

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Conceitos Motivacionais

A impressão de desenvolvimento pessoal e autorreforma é tão antiga quanto nossa espécie. Desde o momento em que despertamos para a consciência como humanos, o capricho de...

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Rubaiyat De Omar Khayyam: Ilustrado Por Diversos Artistas

Hoje Nixapur é uma cidade modesta situada no nordeste do Irã, mas há cerca de mil anos ela era uma das maiores cidades do mundo, sendo um ponto importante da famosa Rota da...

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Red Roses

Nominated for the Grammys 2019Nominated for the Voice Arts Awards 2019“Kira Omans narrated Red Roses, she’s got a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and she really hit...

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„...Na atlasu velika mrlja Kine raste, postaje neuhvatljiva pogledu i on roni kroz nju kao nesrećna mala riba koju će progutati sopstvena želja.Dosta je ljudi bilo u Kini...

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Good Omens

The world will end on Saturday. Next Saturday. Just before dinner, according to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, the world's only completely accurate book...

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Evergreen Motivation

The impression of personal development and self-reformation is as old as our species. From the time we awakened to awareness as humans, the whimsy of becoming better goaded on by...

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Recharge Your Batteries: Overcome Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Live Your Life To The Full

You feel low day after day. You can’t wake up at the morning and can’t fall asleep at the evening. Nothing makes you happy, but anything can badly upset you. You would be...

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My Beloved Me: Overcome Your Low Self-esteem And Raise Your Self-confidence

We do our best to make other people love and respect us. But it is a well-known fact - if we want to achieve this, we should learn how to love and respect ourselves. This task,...

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