The Rise And Fall Of D.o.d.o.: A Novel

From bestselling author Neal Stephenson and critically acclaimed historical and contemporary commercial novelist Nicole Galland comes a captivating and complex near-future...

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Some Remarks

“Neal Stephenson has made a name for himself as a writer whose imagination knows no limits.”—Salon#1 New York Times bestselling author Neal Stephenson is, quite...

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Quicksilver is the story of Daniel Waterhouse, fearless thinker and conflicted Puritan, pursuing knowledge in the company of the greatest minds of Baroque-era Europe, in a chaotic...

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Termination Shock: A Novel

New York Times BestsellerFrom Neal Stephenson—who coined the term “metaverse” in his 1992 novel Snow Crash—comes a sweeping, prescient new thriller that...

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B. J. Harrison Reads Leiningen Vs. The Ants

Man against nature, Leiningen against ants. Leiningen, an owner of a plantation, gets one day warned that an army of ants is approaching his fields and that it would be smartest...

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Il Nepal

«Qualcuno mi ha domandato che cosa interessa a noi del Nepal. Ed io rispondo: dove c'è un uomo, uno solo, lì siamo anche noi, dove c'è memoria...

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Set My Heart To Five

“Science fiction satire in the Vonnegut mold.”—Cory Doctorow *SET TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE DIRECTED BY EDGAR WRIGHT (SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD)*‘A beautiful, funny,...

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Habits Of Highly Successful People: Tips On Knowing How To Succeed

Want to know what highly successful people do better than most?Martin Stephenson illustrates all of the key habits one should know as they navigate life on a day-to-day basis....

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Organization Hacks: The Ultimate Guide To Everything About Organizing, Learn Effective Techniques On How You Can Organize Your Home, Office And Life.

One of the reasons most people feel stressed nowadays is because they live unorganized lives. If you see less clutter in your home and when you have a more efficient system of...

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Bitcoin Express

Note: You MUST download the accompanying reference material PDF in order to go through the audiobook.Are your still scratching your head...what is bitcoin? How does bitcoin work?...

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