Lady Susan

Lady Susan is a selfish, unscrupulous and scheming woman, highly attractive to men, who tries to trap the best possible husband while maintaining a relationship with a married...

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Lady Susan

Lady Susan is a short epistolary novel by Jane Austen, possibly written in 1794 but not published until 1871.Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English...

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Susan Hill

A Susan Hill era stato insegnato ad accontentarsi, a trovare il bello nell'ordinario, ad apprezzare la vita nonostante questa non fosse stata troppo generosa. Sebbene la...

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Inflação, Desemprego E Taxa De Juros: A Curva De Phillips E A Regra De Taylor Para A Economia Brasileira

Em 1958, o economista A. W. Phillips fez a sua maior contribuição para a economia: desenvolveu a curva de Phillips, esta representa uma correlação negativa entre inflação e...

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Santo De Casa Também Faz Milagre: Maria Elizabeth De Oliveira - A Construção Do Imaginário E Da Devoção Da Santinha De Passo Fundo

O desencantamento é, talvez, a maior marca da humanidade na pós-modernidade. Vivemos rodeados de angústias, incertezas, rupturas, crises. Enfim, somos vulneráveis, frágeis e...

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Black-Eyed Susan

New York Times bestselling author Laura Lippman has been hailed as one of the best crime fiction writers in America today, winning virtually every major award in the genre. The...

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Elizabeth Is Missing

In this darkly riveting debut novel, a sophisticated psychological mystery, one woman will stop at nothing to fiFInd her best friend, who seems to have gone missing. . ....

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That Affair At Elizabeth

Published in 1907 ‘That Affair at Elizabeth’ is a detective novel set in turn of the century New York City. When bride-to-be Marcia disappears just hours before her wedding,...

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305 Elizabeth Street - Dramatizado

-Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Robert Easly es un joven de veintidós años que llega a Nueva York con el sueño de convertirse en escritor. De los distintos...

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Verharmlost Susan Abulhawa Den Islam?

Die Autorin Susan Abulhawa hat mit ihren Romanen große Aufmerksamkeit erregt.Sie vertritt die Ansicht, dass die Religion nicht einen wesentlichen Faktor für die...

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