Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally

  • Autor: Johnson Linda
  • Editora: Bibliomundi


For many millions of women all over the world, misery and irritability are a monthly fact of life, something that they have to live with month after month after month.However, what most of these women perhaps don’t know is that whilst premenstrual tension (PMT) or premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is suffered by as many as three out of every four ladies, it is not necessary to suffer anywhere near as much as they do.Although the number who suffer premenstrual problems as a chronic condition every month is mercifully small at somewhere around 2-5% of all sufferers, it is nevertheless a fact that for many women, PMT or PMSis a blight on their live every month that they could well do without.In truth, there are plenty of entirely natural things that women can do to limit the worst symptoms associated with PMT or even get rid of them altogether and of course, because we are talking of completely natural solutions here, there is very little possibility of adverse side-effects either.Before moving on to begin looking at how you can deal with PMTentirely naturally, let's start by considering the condition itself and why perhaps as many as 75% of women suffer from it each and every month.