Billionaire's Defiant Hotwife: Book 3 Of 'billionaire's Ravished Hotwife'

  • Autor: Thomas Roberts
  • Editora: Boruma Publishing


When sexy hotwife Tania is captured by the ruthless BaMa gang, she her lover, Sarah, are thrown into a dank jail cell. Then she's taken and violently used by Bear, their powerful and grotesque leader. Can her devoted husband's team of hand-picked mercenaries rescue her in time? that she's finally experienced ultimate fulfillment...will she even want to be rescued?

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

I sat on my cot after Bear left one day and tried to think about the future. Even if we were able to rescue my wifeand I didn't see how we couldour lives together would never again be the same.

It was as though she had become a different type of being. An animal of sorts, with an animal's unquenchable need, and only Bear could satisfy her. While she was with Bear, she regretted what she was doing to me, but her regret sounded less sincere by the day. What she was doing had become natural to her, she needed what he had, and he wanted what she had. 

Still, I couldn't leave her here. I loved her and cared for her. More importantly, I needed her. I needed to love her, and I knew her life would be short, and ultimately, full of pain if I deserted her.

Tania was led past me and out of the barn on one of the days. I couldn't tell what time it was, much less what day. I could tell night from day by the opening of the squeaking barn door. I knew it was daylight when Tania was led out. She didn't look at me.

It was daytime again when an exhausted-looking Tania was led past me toward her cell. Bear was leading her by a chain attached to her collar. 

"Stop here," he ordered. "Tell hubby whatza been doing."

Tania turned her tired eyes toward me. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her face seemed lined with exhaustion. 

"Remember my stripper fantasy?" she asked in a raspy voice.

"Tania, I love you. Remember, you said you'd always return to me."

It was as though she hadn't heard as she continued. 

"I lived my fantasy. I danced naked in front of a room full of men, loud men who wanted to see my body. It excited me that I excited them. It turned me on. What's the matter with me?"

She didn't wait for an answer, nor I suspect, did she want one.

"Then I danced for some of them alone, and I let them touch me, everywhere. I wore my collar." She looked at Bear for permission to continue.

"Then they had me. They all had your wife, one after the other, some finished inside me, some on me." She seemed even more exhausted than before. "I don't know how many times I finished with them. I was more than just a slut. I need to sleep now."

As Bear led her away, I felt a deep, dark despair. He'd more than stolen my wife from me. He'd stolen her from herself. It was a foul human crime. We'd both lost so much.

Bear was a psychopath or maybe a sociopath, I didn't know which, but there wasn't much doubt he was one or the other. But what did that make her husband, a man frozen in fear for his wife while sporting an erection?