A Kidnapped Santa Claus
  • De L. Frank Baum
  • Editora: iOnlineShopping.com

"A Kidnapped Santa Claus" is a Christmas-themed short story written by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz; it has been called "one of Baum's...

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Eternamente Il Mio Duca
  • De Dawn Brower
  • Editora: Tektime

Un amore che solo una fiaba può disegnare.Un amore che solo una fiaba può disegnare. Lady Delilah Everly non ha avuto la vita meravigliosa che si potrebbe...

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La Pubblicità Nel Marketing Mix
  • De Francesco Ausiello
  • Editora: Passerino Editore

Le strategie pubblicitarie non costituiscono un ambito isolato rispetto alle altre aree decisionali; ciò impone un intenso sforzo di armonizzazione con tutte i piani...

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Kann Man 60kg In 18 Monaten Abnehmen?: Hat Bettina Meiselbach Recht?
  • De Luis Stern
  • Editora: Tim Senf

Die Autorin Bettina Meiselbach hat mit ihrem Buch „Happy Carb“ viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt.Sie behauptet, dass sie mit der Low-Carb-Ernährung in nur 18 Monaten...

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Le Rêve Et Son Interprétation (suivi De Henri Bergson : Le Rêve)
  • De Henri Bergson
  • Editora: FV Éditions

Nos rêves ont-ils une signification ? D'où proviennent-ils ? Quelle est leur relation avec l'inconscient ? Face à ces questions, Sigmund Freud et...

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  • De Peter Marosi
  • Editora: Visionaire Edizioni

3 is the the third ebook of Peter Marosi,an hungarian glamour/fashion photographer, with Barbara Bocsi as model.

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The Spanish Wars
  • De Julius Caesar
  • Editora: Interactive Media

On the defeat of Pharnaces and reduction of Africa, those who escaped from those battles fled to young Cn. Pompey, who had taken possession of Further Spain, while Caesar was...

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The Second Jungle Book
  • De Rudyard Kipling
  • Editora: Interactive Media

The Second Jungle Book includes five further stories about Mowgli, an abandoned man-cub who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. The verses of The Law of the Jungle, lay down...

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Skirt Steak: Deutsche Übersetzung
  • De Vanessa Vale
  • Editora: Vanessa Vale

Julia Duke hat dabei zugesehen, wie sich ihre Brüder einer nach dem anderen verliebt haben, und jetzt ist sie an der Reihe. Doch nachdem ein fieser Ex sich darüber...

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L. Ss. Adolf Hitler
  • De Alberto Salina
  • Editora: Alberto Salina

L. SS. Adolf Hitler. Stresa 1943. L’armistizio, firmato dal Maresciallo Badoglio, l’otto settembre, con gli Alleati, segna, per l’Italia, l’inizio del...

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