With most parents today opting to go back to work full time there is a need to find reliable and reputable childcare help. There are many establishments that offer such services...
Beginner Piano ArrangementTadpole EditionA SilverTonalities Arrangement!Easy Note Style Sheet MusicLetter Names of Notes embedded in each Notehead!
Nothing bored the Yolanda and her girls more than reading for the exam. And after trying to focus on her books on fateful Friday, she figured that nothing was really sticking in...
Traditional German Carol for Beginner PianoA SilverTonalities Arrangement!Easy Note Style Sheet MusicLetter Names of Notes embedded in each Notehead!
L'adulatore è un'opera teatrale in prosa in tre atti di Carlo Goldoni scritta nel 1750 e messa in scena per la prima volta a Mantova durante la primavera dello...
Queste poesie mettono in evidenza le problematiche degli adolescenti del terzo millennio: giornate tutte uguali, amicizie di convenienza, la fatica di trovare un impiego e di...
Programma di Il Formatore 2.0Come Realizzare Prodotti, Sessioni ed Eventi Formativi con gli Strumenti del Web COME IDEARE UN EVENTO 2.0 CON MIND42Come e perché creare una mappa...
We must avoid wetting all sorts of ulcers except with wine, unless the ulcer be situated in a joint. For, the dry is nearer to the sound, and the wet to the unsound, since an...
PARANORMAL ROMANCE NOVELSGenere: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal RomanceAntologia che contiene i primi capitoli di alcuni paranormal romance dell’autrice Connie Furnari, tutti...
Ferdinand Armine is the scion of an aristocratic Catholic family, which can trace its roots back to the time of William the Conqueror. Ferdinand had an idyllic but isolated...