A mother and father macaw (parrot) anxiously await the arrival of their new baby. However, the late hatcher finds herself abandoned after her parents hopelessly fly away from the...
He lives a disjointed life in an unforgiving world, where crime has gone wild. A carnivore with a problem. A hunter with a past. A hero with a badge.After a lab accident, a K-9...
Kyle Massey wants to meet friends in this new neighborhood he's visiting, but it doesn't seem like there's anyone around. That is until he meets a few people. Some kids who only...
Life around Sophie was never boring. She did chants, read Tarot Cards and, to Amy’s and Julie’s surprise, during a séance Sophie had seemingly called up her dead Grandmother....
'A Carrot' is the second of three short stories in ‘Silly Stories About Vegetables Book 2’ written by British author Paul Cook - author of the 'Pete the Bee Stories'. This...
Once again the Old Gray Goose delivers a collection of funny, heartwarming tales perfected over six decades of campfires and thousands of enthusiastic young campers as part of his...
Mystery and Danger Await on an Island Excavation….Hardworking Zombie Steve and his crew of assistants have arrived at Isle of the Midst so that they can explore the terrain and...
'Pete The Bee And The Brook' is the thirty-ninth Pete the Bee story written by British author Paul Cook. The short stories are centred around the rescue farm where Pete and his...
Do you love learning about space? Do you know how important the solar system is? This is the audio book for you. All your questions will be answered.The moon is the brightest...
Steve is an excited new member of a local village. Though he still has a lot to learn about the world of Minecraft, he is doing his best to fit in with his new neighbors in what...