Travel back to Regency England and the Industrial Revolution with Sarah Ladd as she weaves the tale of a woman torn between her father’s stubborn hold on the past and her dreams...
In author Melanie Dickerson’s latest fairy-tale retelling, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast, Annabel Chapman is forced to work as an indentured servant at Lord Ranulf’s...
In this young adult fairy tale retelling by Melanie Dickerson, a woman arrives in Hagenheim claiming the young woman betrothed to the duke’s son, Valten, is still alive. With...
Rapunzel can throw a knife better than any man. She paints beautiful flowering vines on the walls of her plaster houses. She sings so sweetly she can coax even a beast to sleep....
New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson beautifully re-imagines “The Goose Girl” by the Brothers Grimm into a medieval tale of adventure, loss, and...
Set in the same time period and location as Bridgerton and Poldark, this Regency romance brings together a wealthy heir and a mysterious young woman as they search for secrets...
After inheriting his title from his brother, the margrave has two weeks to find a noble bride. What will happen when he learns he has fallen for a lovely servant girl in disguise?
In this new fairy tale reimagining from YA author Melanie Dickerson, Gisela’s life consists of cooking and cleaning for her stepmother and stepsisters, with little time for...
In this book by author Melanie Dickerson, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold through the life of Rose, the young daughter of a woodcutter, who has fallen in love with the...
In the latest YA fairy tale retelling by Melanie Dickerson, Margaretha has never been good at holding her tongue. But when she learns her new suitor is trying to kill the stable...