Walt Whitman - Poemas Escolhidos
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Editora: Lebooks Editora

Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892) foi um poeta, ensaísta e jornalista norte-americano, é considerado por muitos como o "pai do verso livre" e o grande poeta da Revolução americana,...

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Drum Taps
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Duração: 1:24:17
  • Narrador: Arthur Walls
  • Editora: Author's Republic

Drum-Taps is a collection of poetry written by Walt Whitman during the American Civil War and first published in 1865. Drum-Taps contains poems that bear witness to the violence...

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Leaves Of Grass
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Editora: David De Angelis

In 1855, Walt Whitman published — at his own expense — the first edition of Leaves of Grass, a visionary volume of twelve poems. Showing the influence of a...

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Foglie D'erba
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Editora: REA Multimedia

La statura artistica di Walt Whitman, poeta dell’io e della collettività, del presente e della democrazia, va al di là dell’intrinseco valore della sua opera poetica per...

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Giorni Rappresentativi
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Editora: Fermento

Eccoci all'epoca della guerra civile americana: a quel tempo Whitman prestava soccorso negli ospedali da campo dell'Unione e le ristrettezze, le difficoltà, le...

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The Wound Dresser
  • De Walt Whitman
  • Duração: 6:13:57
  • Narrador: The Ark
  • Editora: Author's Republic

Walter Whitman was an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his...

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