Mademoiselle Chanel

For readers of The Paris Wife and Z comes this vivid novel full of drama, passion, tragedy, and beauty that stunningly imagines the life of iconic fashion designer Coco...

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What if the worst thing you ever did was unforgivable?Davy's world fell apart after she tested positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome. She was expelled from her school, dumped...

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Empire of Shadows

"I'm a bodyguard. Not a Spy," Mara said.The noble girl raised her eyebrows."We'll see."Cast out of her family three years ago, Mara turned to the only...

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You can't change your DNA . . . even when it says you're a murderer.When Davy tests positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome, aka "the kill gene," she loses everything. Once the...

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The Invisible

The most dangerous enemy is the one you can't see. . . .After a perilous accident that literally stopped her heart, Anthem Fleet was left with a jagged scar down the front of...

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The Brokenhearted

Some kinds of Heartbreak aren't temporary.High in her tower above Bedlam City, prima ballerina Anthem Fleet has lived her whole life by her parents' strict rules, never leaving...

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