Rich Girl: Womens Wealth Creation

Rich Girl. Are you one? Then honestly, there's nothing for you here. But if you haven't yet attained the degree of financial confort you want - you're in the right place.Because...

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Success Algorithm: Book 2

Success Algorithim? Is there one? And , more to the point -how could there not be? In our warp speed digital age we have algo's for everything , Google,Youtube,Facebook, Dating...

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Artificial Intelligence -too Smart?: Book Two

Artifical Intelligence. It's not just the wave of the future.It's the raging current of the present. It fuels chat boxes on your favorite retail shopping site. It shows you how...

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Success Habits: Book Two

SUCCESS HABITS. do you have them? And if so, are you being true to them? utlizing them every day? always attempting to to advance and improve them?if so, you'll find nothing new...

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Crypto Matrix: Book Two

The Crypto Matrix. Are we already liiving in it? Is it taking over? Are bitcoin and blockchain to be our future? Does cryptocurrency mean the end of money as we know...

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Email Marketing Advantage

Email marketing Advantage. The holy grail that all internet marketers are shooting for.Because nothing creates trust and rapport like email marketing does. And without trust and...

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Safe Money: Book 2

Safe Money. Is yours? Is it secure and protected? Can it withstand the changing winds of the economy?And most importantly, is it available when you need it? Readily available? Or...

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Fitness Zen: Body Wisdom - Book Two

Fitness Zen. What in the World does Zen have to do with Fitness? They don't exactly go together like wine and cheese, or donuts and coffee, do they?At least that's how it would...

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Sad - Not Cute

Fighting Fido's fat. Are you? Or are you one nof the 35 million owners of overweight and obese dogs who remains in denial? insisting that your precious pooch, is normal.The...

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Success Algorithm: Book One

Success Algorithim? And , more to the point -how could there not be? In our warp speed digital age we have algo's for everything , Google,Youtube,Facebook, Dating Sites....

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