Creating Dairyland: How Caring For Cows Saved Our Soil, Created Our Landscape, Brought Prosperity To Our State, And Still Shapes Our Way Of Life In Wisconsin

The story of dairying in Wisconsin is the story of how our very landscape and way of life were created. By making cows the center of our farm life and learning how to care for...

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Coming Out, Moving Forward: Wisconsin’s Recent Gay History

Coming Out, Moving Forward, the second volume in R. Richard Wagner’s groundbreaking work on gay history in Wisconsin, outlines the challenges that LGBT Wisconsinites faced in...

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Finding Freedom: The Untold Story Of Joshua Glover, Runaway Slave

"Shall a man be dragged back to Slavery from our Free Soil, without an open trial of his right to Liberty?" —Handbill circulated in Milwaukee on March 11, 1854In Finding...

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Return To Wake Robin: One Cabin In The Heyday Of Northwoods Resorts

Five generations of Marnie O. Mamminga’s family have been rejuvenated by times together in Wisconsin’s Northwoods. In a series of evocative remembrances accompanied by a...

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