The Valley of the Squinting Windows is a 1918 novel by Brinsley MacNamara (born John Weldon), set in the fictional village of Garradrimna, in central Ireland.While MacNamara...
Winner of the 1921 Pulitzer Prize, The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton’s masterful portrait of desire and betrayal during the sumptuous Golden Age of Old New York, a time...
ContentsLhasa -- The gorges of the Brahmaputra -- The North Pole -- The Mountains of the Moon -- The South Pole -- Mount McKinley -- The Holy Cities of Islam -- The exploration of...
Famous and Classic Science Fiction Novelwas slow—but it wasn't boring. Andit would get you there—as long asyou weren't going anywhere anyhow!
Modern invention has actually reflected upon ancient history: the railroad, the steam derrick and the photograph have changed our conceptions of the past. Written history is now...
Famous and Classic Juvenile Fiction Novel based on giants, animals, Santa Claus etc.
Famous and Classic Science Fiction NovelShe was everybody's sweetheart—butnot every man's at once!
Famous Classic Fiction Story based on social life and customs of 20th century. The story involved world war (1914-1918) too with a touch of romance also.This work has been...
The book revolves around Judy and her troop of Girl Scouts (Beaver Patrol). They are 8th grade girls (13? 14?) spending time at Pine Cone Camp with other scout troops. Judy's...
This was B. M. Bower’s 15th novel, and like her The Phantom Herd a year later, it draws on her knowledge of the movie business. Sixteen-year-old Jean Douglas, the title...