Mary Shelley

'Gracefully sweeping through the dramatic life of the woman behind history’s most legendary monster, Miranda Seymour unbuttons a world of brilliant literary figures in...

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Noble Metals

Ever since Robert Belton gambled away the money to stake his claim in the Klondike gold fields, he’s been stranded in Seattle working as a prostitute. When an attractive...

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The Noble Quran

The Quran literally meaning "the recitation" is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Allah). It is widely regarded as the finest...

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The Noble Servant

New York Times bestselling author Melanie Dickerson beautifully re-imagines “The Goose Girl” by the Brothers Grimm into a medieval tale of adventure, loss, and...

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Short Stories By Mary Shelley

The tales and stories in this collection were casually written at different periods and under different influences. As a rule, it may be said that Mary Shelley is best when most...

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The Gardener And The Noble Family 

Larsen was a very good gardener, but the noble family he served always found fault with the fruit and vegetables he produced in the garden and the vegetable patch or with the...

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Todos os Ganhadores do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura

O Prêmio Nobel foi criado pelo químico e inventor sueco Alfred Nobel (que concebeu, entre 355 invenções patenteadas, a dinamite) por meio de testamento lavrado em 1895, um ano...

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Shirley e eu ouvindo Elis

Um encontro inusitado de um rapaz com uma moça no transporte público, eles estavam sentados ao lado um do outro, que indiretamente foi promovido por intermédio de uma cantora...

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Quase Rei: De Nobre A Escravo

Pouco se escreveu sobre a vinda de negros africanos com instrução e que foram transformados em escravos, no período colonial brasileiro. Em seu livro "Casa Grande e Senzala", o...

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Conversas com Vargas Llosa - antes e depois do Nobel

Vargas Llosa e o autor, Ricardo Setti, não jogaram conversa fora. Ao contrário, segundo Roberto Pompeu de Toledo, prefaciador da obra, jogaram conversa dentro. O texto evidencia...

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