Healthy Dating Techniques

  • Autor: Aielo Dina
  • Editora: Bibliomundi


Finding true love and maintaining a clean healthy relationship is not an impossible task. The trick lies in balancing your act. You need to have lots of virtues like affection, love, respect, patient and trust to be able to do that. The ingredients of a healthy dating relationship are simple and homemade. Healthy love relationships need the help of the following features: o Truth and Honesty: Being true to your partner is one of the most basic prerequisites for all good relationships. A clean honest character speaks volume, it builds up trust and no matter what, and your partner will never be suspicious or doubtful about you, as you have always been amazingly truthful to him/her.o The Act of Forgiveness: For good solid relationships, you have to forgive and forget the past. It is no use harboring il feelings towards one another and pretending to be a loving couple.o Friendship: Remember the famous quote, ‘after the newness of a relationship dies away, only the friendship and companionship remain.’ It is not sufficient to have a great physical chemistry; you should also be good friends. In every successful marriage, partners are first loyal friends to each other than anything else.o Patience: If you have it in you to be patient and determined, it will help you tide over all the rough patches in a relationship. Love relations and marriages often come to an abrupt ending due to lack of patience to work out the problems with a clear head.o Passion: Having flaming passion for your partner does wonders to your love life. Do not confuse passion with sex and lust, having genuine love and passion overrides the physical need for intimacy. It makes the relation strong and durable for many decades.o Communicating: Effective communication teaches to you to respect each other’s point of view and a healthy regard for your partner’s suggestions. It helps you to talk through all the tough issues in life.o Monogamy: A valued relationship is one, which is monogamous in nature. Complete truth, honesty and faithfulness to your partner are what it takes to keep a relationship fresh and thriving. If there is deep love and respect for each other, the question of polygamy doesn’t even arise-you will never feel the need for a change in your love life.o Equality of the Sexes: The major decisions of your lives should be decided mutually in a relationship. It is not the solo right of man alone to resolve matters that involves his partner as well. There should be complete fairness and gender equality.o Economic Responsibilities: The financial burden should be equally shared for a healthy pattern. All decisions regarding money should be necessarily made together so that both partners profit from such monetary agreements. In addition, partners in a healthy dating relationship have lots of similar traits. One should be compatible on an emotional, mental and physical level. Our life is very short, so we should value each new day and try to create a happy atmosphere for our partner and ourselves.Dating relationships should be harbored on a long-term basis. Never look for cheap fun and excitement on a date. Such temporary relationships make it hard for anyone to hold ground, even if they find true love.