A Change In The Cabinet

That rare thing, a pure political novel. Belloc boasted that in it, politicians talked as they really do talk (or did in the first decade of the twentieth century), which he said...

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The Historic Thames

England has been built up upon the framework of her rivers, and, in that pattern, the principal line has been the line of the Thames. Partly because it was the main highway of...

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Sulla Traduzione: Perché La Buona Traduzione Salverà L'europa

"Oggi in Europa abbiamo più che mai bisogno di traduzione [...]", perché “[...] nessuna provincia d’Europa può sussistere da sola.” È il 1931 quando Belloc avverte del...

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The Free Press

An insightful text exposing the workings of press and media industries. Belloc discovered fundamental conflicts of interest within mass media which resulted in heavy influences of...

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First And Last

It is an interesting speculation by what means the Book lost its old position in this country. This is not only an interesting speculation, but one which nearly concerns a vital...

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Europe And The Faith

The Faith is Europe. And Europe is the Faith. As a young man, Belloc lost his faith. Then came a spiritual event which he never discussed publicly, and which returned him to and...

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On Nothing & Kindred Subjects

My dear little Anglo-Saxons, Celt-Iberians and Teutonico-Latin oddities. The time has come to convey, impart and make known to you the dreadful conclusions and horrible...

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On Something

The plain man sees that the drama of his time has gradually passed from one phase to another of complexity in thought coupled with simplicity of incident, and it occurs to him...

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